Day 28

Well, I’ve been working straight through since 7am this morning, taking only a fifteen minute break to shower and eat. Let me correct that. I showered first, which took minutes. My daughter always teases me about how fast I can get in and out of the shower. Comes from those toddler years when I learned to shower in between bouts of colic and naps that often only lasted twenty minutes. After that rapid shower, I choked down a sandwich and hopped right back to my desk.

Though I don’t think I should work at this pace every day, I do like the fact that I got so much accomplished. So much so that I’m going to let myself  ‘go home’ for the day and take a book outside.

I’m pretty pleased with my current WIP, Garden Variety. I started Chapter 7 (again) and wrote 4 good pages. I like them anyway. And being a perfectionist, I’m my own worst enemy sometimes.  I worked on the edits for the next chapter of my completed novel, Bethel Christmas Visitor. And on top of that I fleshed out a new novel notebook for an inspirational romance I hope to pitch to Harlequin’s Love Inspired line.

After that I took care of non-writing chores like replying to emails, commenting on a few blogs I follow, and my volunteer duties for the RWA chapters I belong to. Yup, I feel like I’ve put in a good day’s work.  Oh, and let’s not forget popping in here and there on Twitter to read and tweet with some colleagues.

Yes, it can be a time waster and a great way to procrastinate, but it’s a great way for we writers, who often work in isolation, to feel like we’re surrounded with co-workers. And sometimes co-workers are a great way to get motivated. After reading tweets about completing stories, submitting stories and getting contracts, what writer wouldn’t want to get down to business?

So, what did you get done today? What gets you moving full speed ahead?



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