Monthly Archives: December 2011

Day 39…or I blinked and it’s Christmas

Just thinking about how long ago I started this blog, and the fact that I am only on Day 39, tells me that it’s time to use titles for each post. My good intentions of blogging daily fell to the wayside for a myriad of reasons, some good and some just plain excuses. It’s been over a month since I’ve posted and I’m not sure where to begin.

Though I was not blogging, I was busy writing. A few projects came up that took me away from the world of fiction. A handful of articles, some website content and SEO work that, though I dread, keeps me in the green. I even managed to submit a short story to a magazine that actually buys short romances. Fingers crossed. I will, of course, let you know what comes of that. Aside from writing, life just seemed to go a bit off track. No, very off track.

My daughter started her first job and within a week became very ill. During Thanksgiving week my family endured a tragedy as my 47-year-old cousin, Michael, died unexpectedly from a heart attack. It’s difficult to even type those words and I’ve had to back up and correct mistakes as my hands trembled while typing them. Just as I thought my daughter was getting well, she had a relapse and I was diagnosed with Pneumonia last Saturday. Thank God after only being sick 3 days my intuition (which I’ve trusted numerous times before) told me I needed to go see the doctor. Thank God for a wise doctor who immediately suspected this was not just a cold or upper respiratory. And finally, a first for me, thanks to the pharmaceutical world for a potent drug that seems to be working miracles.

On the up side, I have submitted my novella to a publisher. I know it’s competitive out there but I’ll keep thinking good thoughts. Whether they like it or not, as a writer it’s a giant step sending your work out there. And I’ve done it!  Looking for the good things that have occurred during this last month or so, I have found a wonderful critique group. These three women have been an amazing source of inspiration, knowledge and, with this illness taking me by surprise, warm support. With their help, I hope to submit my novel early next year. I’ve actually been surprised not only that they are enjoying my chapters but that they ‘get’ what I was trying to accomplish in this novel.

Last but not least, effective January 1, 2012 I will be the VP-Programs for RWA-WF, the women’s fiction chapter of the Romance Writers of America. I have always wanted to get more involved in this wonderful, supportive organization. I only hope I can fill the very large shoes of my predecessor.

It seems like I blinked and we went from Halloween to Christmas. Where does the time go? As writers we can let the rapid passing of time pressure us into hurrying in our writing, hurrying to send it out into the world. Or we can decide to slow down, enjoy the journey and acknowledge that every little step we take is an accomplishment in itself.

Whatever holiday you celebrate, I wish you the most important gifts of all – peace, health and happiness!






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